A gift that keeps on giving

By leaving Calgary Public Library a gift in your will, you will provide a critical source of funding that will support Calgarians each and every day.

Contact us to discuss leaving your legacy with the Library.

If you have already decided to make a legacy gift, thank you very much. Sharing your intention with us allows us to plan for our Library in the future. It also allows us to recognize your generosity according to your preferences. For any questions, please contact:

Tamara Smith, Director of Development
P 403-260-2631
E tamara@libraryfoundation.ca

Complete your Promise Form at the button below and join the Epilogue Society. Read on to learn more about the Epilogue Society and how your gift will support Calgary Public Library.




We invite you to join the Epilogue Society

When you make the generous decision to leave a gift in your will to the Calgary Public Library, you not only provide a critical source of long term funding for the Library, you also become a member of the Epilogue Society. Leaving a charitable bequest is itself a type of epilogue, setting the stage for the future and preparing the community for what is to come.

If you have decided to support the Library in this special way, please let us know so that we can officially welcome you to the Epilogue Society.

Share Your Intentions

How to plan your gift

Your gift will go to the area of greatest need at the Library—supporting in-demand programs, new technologies, or what Calgarians need to help them reach their full potential.

A charitable bequest is a gift to the Calgary Public Library Foundation made in your will. You can make a bequest with cash, securities, assets, and the donation of all, or residue of an estate. Charitable receipts up to 100% of your net income can be claimed as a charitable donation in the year of death.

You will support Calgarians who use the Library every day by naming the Calgary Public Library Foundation as the beneficiary of your RRSP or RRIF (during your lifetime or in your will). There are significant tax advantages to this type of gift, as you will not pay capital gains tax. Any assets that pass directly to the beneficiary without probate will remain private and confidential.

Charitable donations can be made through an existing or new life insurance policy.
You can name the Calgary Public Library Foundation as the owner and irrevocable beneficiary, or donate a policy through your will by naming the Library Foundation as the beneficiary.
Gifts of marketable stock and securities are transferable through your broker or financial advisor
All donated securities are sold upon receipt and you will receive a tax receipt for the value of the securities donated based on the closing price on the day of receipt by our custodial agent.

Legacy Giving Impact

Joanne's Story

Joanne Stalinski’s connection to Calgary Public Library is deeply woven into the fabric of her life. It began with her parents, George and Joyce, proud Calgarians who instilled a love for community and a commitment to investing in its well-being. From securing her first Library card to her first job at Crescent Heights Library at the age of 11, the Library has been a constant companion throughout Joanne’s journey. 

Inspired by the Library’s commitment to providing social supports—a passion Joanne shared with her father, who worked to bring Calgary’s AID Centre to life—Joanne has chosen to leave a legacy gift to Calgary Public Library. For her, it’s a meaningful recognition of her parents’ legacy, and an affirmation of her own belief in the Library’s ability to continue making a difference in the lives of Calgarians.

Maureen's Story

Maureen Proctor is a long time supporter of the Library. She began volunteering with the Library’s “Read with Me” program in 2002, helping young readers discover the magic of reading. Thanks to her generous gift, readers of all ages are able to enjoy a book in the Maureen Proctor Reading Nook at the Central Library.

Maureen gives to the Library because she believes in the Library. “I think the Library is a necessity in communities,” she says. “It’s a place of refuge for so many people. Please join me in making a difference. Imagine what the Library of the future could be if we all left a gift.”


Your gift has the potential to impact generations of Calgarians. When considering a legacy gift, we encourage you to seek independent legal and/or financial planning advice.