Mental health and wellness resources at Calgary Public Library
Wellness Resources
With community-wide reach, the Library is uniquely positioned to meet the needs of Calgarians with mental health and wellness support. More than 56% of Calgarians have a Library card, making the Library a natural place of connection, resources and support.
Here is what your generosity can provide:
- $31.50 fills a dispenser with one day’s worth of period products. The Library’s Free. Period. initiative provides free pads and tampons to anyone who needs them.
- $60 can buy an eBook or Audiobook that can be enjoyed on-the-go! Whether learning a new skill or simply escaping into a story, books are powerful tools for personal wellness.
- $200 can provide one day of service through the Wellness Desk. Currently available at Central, Crowfoot, and Shawnessy libraries, this donor-funded initiative provides free mental health and addictions support from licensed social workers in partnership with Wood’s Homes.
- $2,500 supports the installation, supplies, and management of one Free. Period. dispenser for one year. This initiative is completely donor-funded, providing dignity to menstruating Calgarians across the city.