Free. Period.
Donor support provides free menstrual products in Calgary Public Library washrooms.
Providing free menstrual products in Library washrooms
Have you heard the term “period poverty?” It refers to the inability to access menstrual products, which impacts the health and dignity of people who menstruate, especially vulnerable people and youth. Not having access to period products can impact Calgarians in the classroom, the workplace, and everyday life.
The Free. Period. initiative provides free pads and tampons to anyone who needs them by making them available in Library washrooms—with no stigma or judgment.
In close proximity to schools, workplaces, community centres and shelters, libraries are accessible across the city and welcoming to all. They are the ideal locations for this initiative. Period.
Free. Period. is supported generously by Shoppers Foundation for Women’s Health and donors to Calgary Public Library Foundation.
A donation of $31.50 fills a dispenser with one day’s worth of products.