Thank you to Bantrel Co. for supporting the Calgary Public Library through sharing knowledge and learning opportunities that forge a path of Reconciliation by listening to, learning from, and building relationships with Indigenous communities. 

Indigenous Services at the Library

Start your own truth and reconciliation journey with Library resources.

Published in 2015, the Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada includes details on the history and legacy of residential schools as well as 94 Calls to Action.

The Calgary Aboriginal Urban Affairs Committee reviewed the 94 Calls to Action from the Federal Truth and Reconciliation Commission to determine which are actionable by Calgary’s municipal government. The results are Calls to Action identified in White Goose Flying: A Report to Calgary City Council on the Indian Residential School Truth and Reconciliation, which includes local context and alignments.

Visit the Indigenous Languages Resource Centre on Level 4 at Central Library to meet with Elders, share stories under a night sky installation, view traditional items, and learn Treaty 7 languages.

Watch Our Language is Our Culture and explore Indigenous Language Lessons.

Recommended Reads

Click to borrow or place a hold at your nearest location

Explore Indigenous Services at the Library

Discover the Elders Guidance Circle, Resources for Children, and Placemaking at the Library

Career and Business Resources

Use your free Library card to take an online course such as Microsoft Officer, or take practice tests to help you prepare for professional exams.

Get on the path to find a job, build your own website, start a business, improve your English, write your book, brush up on your computer skills, prepare for college, and more.

Cardholders have free access to courses with their Library card. Once registered, the Library is unable to drop or transfer you from a course. Please read the course requirements carefully prior to registering for a course.

Not sure how to start? Watch the tutorial in Niche Academy: Gale Courses tutorial.

Access Gale Courses.

Learn in-demand skills with thousands of online courses taught by real-world industry experts. Watch courses that match your skill level, from job search strategies, and Microsoft applications, to data analysis and software development.

NOTE: course certificates do not have your name on them. For enhanced security, the Library version of LinkedIn Learning does not connect with your personal LinkedIn account.

Not sure how to start? Watch the tutorial on Niche Academy: LinkedIn Library tutorial.

Access Linked In Learning for Library. 

Local and international newspapers and magazines at your fingertips.

Read newspapers and magazines from over 100 countries in multiple languages. You can share, print, save, and comment on articles.

When you log in to PressReader for the first time you are given complimentary access. When it expires, you can refresh your complimentary access by returning to this page, and logging in again.

Not sure how to start? Watch the tutorial on Niche Academy: PressReader tutorial.

Access PressReader. 

Detailed company and industry profiles including SWOT reports, market share reports, and financial reports. Gain a comprehensive picture of businesses and industries around the world with new and updated full-text scholarly journals, business news, and more.

Access Business Insights: Essentials.

Search full-text academic journals, magazines, trade publications, and newspapers on all major areas of research. You can also find over 75,000 videos (from 1930 to the present) from the Associated Press.

Not sure how to start? Watch the tutorial in Niche Academy: Academic Search Premier tutorial.

Access Academic Search Premier.